
Requirements Engineering & Business Analysis

When you are about to build or purchase a system, it's critical that your requirments are

  • understandable
  • unambiguous
  • correct

if you want the new system to live up to its expectations

I'm a certified Requirements Engineer by REQB and have a passion for uncovering the true needs of organizations and stakeholders

  • I help you figure out which of your needs will lead to the greatest business value if they are fulfilled
  • I can work with your organization in different ways:
  • educate your coworkers
  • improve quality of your existing requirements
  • advise on best practices and areas of improvement
  • advise on which requirements management system to implement
  • manage the full requirements management process:
  • eliciting, documenting, improving, verifying and handing over requirements

IT services

Manage sourcing of new IT systems:

  • Document your requirements
  • Create Request For Proposals
  • Review proposals
  • Advise on best practices for implementation and roll out

Keep your IT systems and infrastructure in good condition and working seamlessly for you

Hannes Consulting, Algaida, Mallorca, Spain
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